NHSMUN’s MUN Survival Guide Series

  We present to you our newest series: NHSMUN’s Declassified MUN survival guide! Each chapter will highlight an important MUN aspect to provide some of our very own tips and tricks to success. Today we have some insight on how to research leading up to a MUN conference; scroll to...


NHSMUN Research Published in Brazilian Textbook Series

Exciting news! Research materials written by NHSMUN staff members will soon be published in a new Brazilian textbook. Editora do Brasil S/A, a publishing company in Brazil, contacted NHSMUN and requested permission to use three separate NHSMUN publications in a new collective work being assembled for South American schools....


World Oceans Day

June 8th is World Oceans Day, and the 2020 theme is "Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean." In conjunction with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, NHSMUN and IMUNA members mark this day by raising awareness about the importance of conserving and sustainably using our oceans, seas, and marine resources. To find...


MUN Refugee Challenge Supporting UNHCR

NHSMUN is honored to participate in the MUN Refugee Challenge led by UNHCR! To promote grassroots awareness and discussion of the challenges refugees face around the world, MUN conferences are invited to join the MUN Refugee Challenge by debating and creating a resolution based on the chosen four key...


UN Youth Representatives Attend 68th Annual UN Civil Society Conference

This past week, IMUNA's UN Youth Representatives, Jonathan Martin and Dimitri Henry, were honored to attend the 68th Annual United Nations Civil Society Conference. Here is what they had to say about their memorable experience: "The conference provided a much needed recommitment by NGOs to advocate for sustainable cities...


International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

On August 9, the international community recognizes the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. Here is what NHSMUN director for the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Elizabeth Dudley, notes about this momentous day: “It is the responsibility of non-indigenous peoples to set aside time to think...


NHSMUN 2020 Summer Staff Meeting

NHSMUN 2020 may still be 7 months away, but we're always planning exciting new features for the conference! This past week, our staff met in New York City to perfect our background guides, prepare for the start of our fall registration, and meet with amazing new partners to make...


NHSMUN 2020 Topics Are Live!

  The NHSMUN 2020 committee topics have been announced! CLICK HERE to access the committees and their topics. Each year, NHSMUN prides itself on its committees' diverse, realistic, and extremely relevant topic choices. NHSMUN 2020 is no different! Congratulations to the incredible substantive directors for all the hard work they...


Step With Refugees – WRD 2019

June 20 marks World Refugee Day, and NHSMUN joins with peer organizations around the world to recognize the intrinsic right for all to freely seek out safety, stability, and other basic rights such as employment, healthcare, and education. At the end of 2018, a record high of 70.8 million...


World Environment Day

Today on World Environment Day, the NHSMUN staff is spreading awareness of how to protect the environment, using the lens of the 2019 theme of air pollution.More information about World Environment Day, from the 2019 website:World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action...