Selecting our Engaging Committees and Topics
Hello NHSMUN friends, family, delegates, and faculty advisors! As the summer temperature begins to increase, so do our substantive endeavors for NHSMUN 2017! We are excited to update you on the topic selections for our conference! Our Substantive Directors and Under-Secretaries-General are hard at work putting together a new, innovative slate of topics and committees. In our topic selection process, each committee director team submits six topic proposals, resulting in nearly 150 topics from which to choose!
From there, NHSMUN’s substantive sub-committee, comprised of Model UN experts with hundreds of years of collective experience, identifies the most fitting and thought-provoking international issues to debate. NHSMUN prides itself on offering a variety of committees, which cover topics ranging from recent or controversial themes to historical events that continue to remain at the forefront of international politics. Every year, our directors put significant time and effort (several thousands of hours! Can you believe it?) into the process of making sure that our conference is able to produce top notch debate, and we are so excited for our brilliant staff to hit the ground running with their topic proposals and background guide drafts. Keep your eyes open for a comprehensive review of our selected topics very soon!