Register for NHSMUN 2025

The following information will provide you with the details and guidelines necessary to initiate a registration request for NHSMUN 2025. Please carefully read the entirety of this page prior to taking any action. If you have any questions, please contact

Policies & Procedures

Registration for NHSMUN 2025 consists of the following steps:


1. Submit a registration request via our online platform. This will include your group size, country/committee preferences, and other related information.

2. Receive an invoice. After your registration request has been reviewed, you will receive an invoice that corresponds to your group size and preferred method of payment.

3. Pay conference fees. In order to be accepted to NHSMUN 2025, payment of the conference fees is required.

4. Receive confirmation of acceptance to NHSMUN 2025. This will include country/committee assignments, preparation materials, and hotel reservation instructions, among other resources.


Registration Timeline: Registration opens in June and will remain open until the conference reaches capacity. Registration requests are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage schools to complete the above (4) steps as early as feasible in order to secure seats, as once the conference fills to capacity, we will no longer be able to accept enrollments. When registration reaches capacity, applications will be added to the wait list.


Delegation Size & Student Ages: NHSMUN 2025 accepts delegations of up to 50 students of secondary school age (most often, ages 13-18).

Payment Process

After your registration request is reviewed, you will receive an invoice that corresponds to your number of requested seats. The registration windows listed below are the dates by which NHSMUN must receive payment to maintain the corresponding participant fee tier. The delegation and school fee are the same ($95) regardless of registration tier. Please visit our conference fees page for additional information.


Early Registration: June 10, 2024 – August 31, 2024 (Participant Fee: $125)

Regular Registration: September 1, 2024 – October 31, 2024 (Participant Fee: $135)

Late Registration: After November 1, 2024 (Participant Fee: $145)


Note: We understand that school districts often have cumbersome payment processes. Please contact us to discuss any extenuating circumstances that may occur. If you miss a payment deadline, we will contact you promptly. If we do not hear from you within 5 business days, we reserve the right to cancel your registration and move your seats to our waiting list, in order to accommodate other schools.

Refund Policy

NHSMUN’s conference fees are non-refundable after January 1. For changes or cancellations made between November 15 and January 1, a 50% refund will be processed. For changes or cancellations made prior to November 15, a 100% refund will be processed. Please note that these refund policies apply regardless of inclement weather, visa issuance, or other external factors. Please be sure to communicate any changes in your delegation to as early as possible to ensure that the pertinent refunds can be processed. Regrettably, we cannot make exceptions to the refund policy as it is tied to non-refundable payments that NHSMUN must make to its vendors.

Registration Instructions

To submit a registration request, please follow these steps:


1. CLICK HERE to navigate to the NHSMUN 2025 registration platform. Complete all indicated fields, following the instructions for each prompt. If you do not already have an account on our platform, you will create one. If you already have an account, you can log in or reset your password as needed.


2. Once you have completed all fields, click on the “Submit” button at the end. If your submission is successful, you will receive an automated confirmation message. If it is not successful, you will receive an alert showing any errors that need to be fixed prior to submitting.


3. Once your request has been reviewed, the NHSMUN team will contact you to outline the next steps. Please note that submitting a registration request does not guarantee acceptance to NHSMUN 2025. As a reminder, all (4) steps outlined at the top of this page must be completed in order to be accepted to NHSMUN 2025 (submit registration request, receive invoice, pay fees, receive confirmation of acceptance).

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change my group size after I submit my registration? Yes, you may change your group size after you register. Nearly all groups fluctuate in size, often for many weeks after their registrations. You may change your size by logging into your account on or by emailing the NHSMUN registration team directly. Your invoice will be automatically adjusted once your request has been reviewed and accepted.


Can I choose which conference session (March 7-10, 2025 or March 12-15, 2025) I want to attend? When you fill out the registration form, you will be asked to share your session preference. Please choose your preferred conference session, noting that the programming for both sessions is the same. If you do not have a preference, we will assign you to whichever of the two conference sessions allows for the assignment of your higher-ranked preference of country or countries.


When will I be able to make hotel reservations? Rooms have been set aside for NHSMUN attendees. Starting on October 1, you will be able to reserve your rooms through a dedicated NY Hilton reservations representative. Please do not attempt to make reservations until you receive these instructions, as they must be processed through the dedicated group manager. Note that hotel reservations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please make your reservations as soon as possible after the window begins on October 1. If the NHSMUN block is sold out before you make your reservations, the discounted rate will no longer be available to you. During your registration submission, you will be asked to specify your intended dates of stay. This does NOT reserve any hotel rooms for you. You must follow the separate instructions, released on October 1, to reserve your hotel rooms. Your prompt action beginning on October 1 is required in order to ensure you secure your hotel rooms.


How do I know if my registration submission was accepted? You will receive an automated email message upon submitting your registration request. This is how you will know that your request was received. Within 72 hours of receiving your submission, the NHSMUN team will contact you by email to provide instructions on the subsequent steps. If you are not contacted within 72 hours of submitting your registration request, please contact us at Please note that if you submit a registration request after the conference has filled to capacity, you will be added to the wait list.


Who can I contact to discuss a special accommodation that my group requires? Please contact us at to discuss your group’s needs. We will do everything we can to accommodate you.